What people are saying.

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“Luna has come so far with her training and I couldn’t have done any of it without the help of Molly. At one point she would constantly just bark while out at bars and restaurants and constantly pulling while on leash. Her night and day difference is crazy. So glad to have a trainer like Molly— she truly cares about her clients and setting you and your dog up for success.”

— Tiffany & Luna


If you're looking for someone who is very knowledgeable, passionate, and is very driven, look no further. Molly has proven herself to be top in her trade and her personal experience shows it. from being a police k9, to titling multiple dogs in a difficult canine sport, all the way to her unshakeable love for pet dogs and educating their owners on how to achieve the best relationship together, molly has it all! Molly personally helped me shape and train my dog for Schutzhund (IGP)  as well as spending time to take dogs out in public as well rounded companions. Because she is personable and friendly, Molly does a great job of communicating and handing the reigns to the owner and setting them up for success. If you're looking for a dog trainer, you've found her!

— Hanna

Eternal K9 has been a great experience for myself and my dog Leo. Molly is very informative, answers all your questions with kindness and positivity. Just all around pleasant to work with. The cost of the training is very fair and reasonable. I highly recommend Eternal K9!

- Kathy


Eternal K9 took on our blue heeler, Hank for the two week board and train program. Prior to the program we struggled with basic commands and some unwanted puppy behaviors. Molly thoroughly listened to our concerns prior to Hank’s boarding. She was sure to keep us updated throughout the whole two weeks with videos and pictures of Hank’s training adventures. When Molly and Mick returned Hank home he was like a new pup! He has manners, off leash skills, and the ability to be a loving, calm member of the family. We’re forever grateful for Eternal K9's work with Hank and appreciate their continue support as we keep up our training!

- Abby H.

  • I cannot speak highly enough about Eternal K9! My husband and I were first introduced to EK9 for our first shepherd. I was on the verge of tears and my husband was searching high and low for the best fit for a training facility. That's when we found Molly at EK9! Our shepherd spent a week there for board and train and came out a whole new dog. She understood her commands and we even learned how to properly handle her and continue her training. A lot has changed since we've joined the EK9 family! Our dog has begun protection training classes as an outlet/job. This is also where Molly introduced me to another german shepherd that we have since welcomed into our home! Head trainer Molly is incredible when it comes to ALL dogs! She is extremely talented in what she does and cares for every dog that comes into her facility. She is very knowledgeable in the different training methods required for each breed, continuously giving tips and advice on what the dog needs. There is nowhere else I would rather take my dogs. Eternal K9 has helped us in so many ways. They care just as much about our dogs as we do!


  • Eternal K9 is the best dog training around!! I adopted Sunny in July of 2020. She was a very challenging puppy from the day we got her. One of our friends suggested Molly. Sunny went for a week board and train. She came back a totally different dog. Molly is extremely knowledgeable about dog behaviors. She not only taught Sunny how to be a better dog but also taught us how to be better owners. I know if I had any issues with Sunny I could call her and she would quickly respond.


  • I can’t speak highly enough about both Molly and Mick. Molly is a phenomenal trainer and Mick is second to none as a decoy. Their combined knowledge of dogs makes this training company the best in the State. Whether you need obedience training with your dog, or you’re interested in the protection aspect, look no further than Eternal K9!
