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“I can not recommend Eternal K9 enough!!! When I adopted my golden doodle, I did a lot of research on DIY training and implemented what I could during his first 3 months with us. I began to feel at a stand still and hiring Molly was the best decision!! Having her there to correct in the moment sped up his learning SO much. She truly watches their behaviors and tailors the training session to your dog. Molly is insanely knowledgable. I found myself having just as much fun at the sessions learning from Molly as Gibson did learning along with me. Amongst the training tips, she has also educated me on feeding Gibson a raw diet. Something I never would have considered - even thought was weird. After learning all the benefits, I can't imagine not feeding my best friend the best foods possible to keep him around for as long as possible. I could truly go on forever about how much these classes are worthwhile. Gibson just finished his 6 weeks and I'm going to miss our regular Monday morning trainings. We will definitely be back for more!! Training never ends.” - Cari